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The smarter way to maximize your media coverage & save money

Press Jockey your all-in-one automation and management tool for Help A Reporter, Source of Sources, Connectively™, Qwoted, Source Bottle™, and others – with +275,000 media contacts at your fingertips.

Save time, save money, and supercharge your visibility.

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Why you need this:

Do you love spending time sorting through 1,000s of expert requests, on multiple platforms every week?

I doubt it. And paying a VA or Jr. rep to do it simply costs you money. 

The truth is, expert request platforms have a TON of great opportunities just waiting for you and your clients.

But if you’re still doing this manually, you’re likely missing opportunities (and spending time and money when you don’t have to).

Press Jockey monitors and manages your inbox for expert requests that you get from other platforms – automatically finding the best ones, and unlocking your ability to pitch more faster.

How it works and why you'll love it:

You get 1,000s of expert requests each week from other platforms. Press Jockey automatically finds, filters, and helps you respond to the best ones

Connect your email to Press Jockey – and it will do the hard work for you. 

Working behind the scenes, our algorithm uses AI + the keywords you enter to find the best matches for you, saving you dozens of hours each week.

Get more PR opportunities from the platforms you're using

It’s so easy, an intern can use it… and get great opportunities. 

Which means the money you’re spending on other platforms like Connectively, Qwoted, SourceBottle or others becomes a fantastic investment…

Which means you can deliver more results to clients…

Which then means you’ve got time to spend growing your business…

Press Jockey does all of this and more. It’s your secret tool to delivering results and growing your PR or SEO business.

Here's a snapshot of how it works:


What PR pros are saying

Getting started is easy!

Perfect for PR agencies, link building & SEO agencies, small biz, or PR pros.
Have a team or freelancers? Want full “set-it-and-forget-it” response automation? You’ve got it on every account.
Otherwise select Small Biz to get started.

$349 / mo

Agency Pro

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$197 / mo

Small Biz

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$27 / mo

Chrome Ext.

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